Many people understand the harmful effects of asbestos, but it hasn't always been this way. There was a time when this substance was widely used. This may sound surprising, but the reality is that the adverse effect of asbestos was only discovered recently. When you go further to analyse many aspects concerning asbestos, you're sure to uncover many other surprising things.
1. You'll Find Asbestos in so Many Unexpected Places
The fact that asbestos was widely used in the past means that it is likely to be found in so many unlikely places. You might find it in certain places that you actually didn't expect. Being unaware of its presences can put you at risk of dispersing fibres into the air and inhaling them.
It's true that asbestos use in domestic building materials had ceased as far back as the 1980s. However, as Abesbestoswise reveals, a complete ban was only effected just a few years back in 2003. This means that various products may have still been in circulation, which may be found in a wide variety of places.
Considering this risk, it's definitely a wise thing to always take caution if you intend to renovate your house. Even if it's just a small renovation that you feel confident to handle on your own, you just might need the services of a licensed removalist to assess any risk of asbestos.
It's also necessary that business owners take appropriate measures to safeguard their employees from the risk of asbestos. It would be necessary that an assessment is carried out of the workplace to identify any potential risk. Air monitoring may also be necessary to detect the risk of fibres in the air.
2. Presence of Asbestos isn't Necessarily a Risk
This may sound counter intuitive, yet it's actually true that presence of asbestos doesn't necessarily pose a risk to you, your family or your workplace. This is because asbestos containing material (ACM) would only become harmful when the fibres are released into the air, at which point you would inhale those fine particles.
However, if you do find any ACM within your house, you must avoid contact with it which can lead to breakage. Don't try drilling, cutting or tearing it up since this will inevitably disperse toxic fibres into the air.
If the ACM is already showing signs of wear and tear, then it would most likely pose a health risk which needs immediate attention. This means contracting the services of a licensed removalist that's fully equipped and competent enough to handle asbestos removal.
3. Stopping Asbestos Use Doesn't Stop the Impact
In certain health conditions, stopping exposure to a harmful substance and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help reverse the harmful effects. However, this doesn't apply with asbestos. When you're exposed to the toxic fibres, the harmful effects may take 10 to 30 years before they appear, even if you actually ceased exposure to the fibres.
Therefore, you must always be cautious to avoid any exposure to the toxic fibres. Also take note that such fibres are usually too small for you to see with your naked eyes. This means that an air monitoring system would be the most effective method to detect any fibres in the air.
Asbestos Removal Sydney is fully capable of delivering fast and reliable commercial or residential removal service. A thorough assessment is always carried out prior to removal to identify all potential hazards. We also ensure that you receive customized service, particularly suited to your unique requirements. Kindly visit our website for more details.