The asbestos is generally divided into two groups namely serpentine and amphibole types. These are explained here.
Chrysolite asbestos
The first type of asbestos is the Chrysolite asbestos and it is also called as white asbestos. This type of asbestos is generally thought be the safest of all the types. This is because it is less friable that means it is least likely to produce airborne microbes and also rendering it less likely to be inhaled. But when inhaled it can cause the same problems related to health as the others can. Now this is because it is the only one classed as a serpentine mineral as the fibers making up chrysolite are of a curled variety. This makes up crystals that are formed in sheets.
Chrysolite asbestos is the most commonly used asbestos type comprising of almost 95% of the total asbestos commercially used in the United States. So due to a widespread use of this type of asbestos it accounts for most of the asbestos related health problems such as mesothelioma and tumors in animals. The remaining five types of asbestos are amphibole minerals, this means that they consists of straight and needle-like fibers.
Tremolite asbestos
This type of asbestos was not used industrially but commercially was used in products such as talcum powder. The color of Tremolite ranges from creamy white to dark green and is commonly found in metamorphic rocks. Now this form of asbestos is the main contaminant of the infamous vermiculite (natural minerals that expand with the application of heat) mine in Libby, Montana.
Actinolite asbestos
Not used generally in the industry, actinolite asbestos can still be present in asbestos product. When inhaled actinolite asbestos can cause severe lung damage and mesothelioma may occur. The non-fibrous variants of actinolite do not cause the same health problems that are associated with exposure to commercially exploited forms of asbestos like asbestosis or mesothelioma. Present in usually green, white or gray color this type is related to tremolite but have more amounts of iron.
Amosite asbestos
Amosite asbestos that is also called Grunerite or brown asbestos is used for a variety of commercial purposes. This is generally used in pipe and cement sheet insulation. It has straight and brittle fibers that are light gray to brown in color. Once it became the second most used type of asbestos. But recently due to the health concerns and emergence of mesothelioma the production and commercial use of this mineral is banned in many countries.
Crocidolite asbestos
The most dangerous of the asbestos, Crocidolite asbestos is thought to be at the opposite spectrum of Chrysolite asbestos. Crocidolite asbestos is also called blue asbestos as it consists of straight blue fibers. This type along with amosite persists in the lungs for a long time and is dangerous for health of the exposed persons. Crocidolite naturally occurs in countries such as Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, the former Soviet Union, and Canada.
Anthophyllite asbestos
It has brittle white fibers that are made up of crystals and have a chain-like appearance. Formed by the breakdown of talc in ultramafic rocks, anthophyllite is a common contaminant of talc. Like tremolite and actinolite, it is not used for commercial or industrial purpose as such but is still found use in vermiculite minerals commonly added to gardening soil.
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